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Posted on February 28, 2025
Volume 2, Issue 13: 2/28/25
Greetings Bulldogs! Happy Friday.
Spring is in motion, and with that comes competitions and events! Check out all of the amazing things our Bulldogs are doing below.
Thorndale High School Groundbreaking:
If you live in Thorndale ISD boundaries, you most likely have received the official Groundbreaking notice in the mail! If not, here is a peak below.
Although the exact date is not set yet, we are on pace for a late April or early May groundbreak ceremony! We are super excited of the work that has gone into planning and design, and we know everyone is anxiously awaiting the construction process!
Please stay tuned for details as this event will take place during the school day (similar to a pep rally) so all of our students can enjoy the moment, and the entire community will be invited as well!
Middle School Hospitality Class:
Did you know that starting this school year, Thorndale ISD has offered high school level Career & Technology Education (CTE) courses to our 8th graders? Yep! Providing our students with these great electives as 8th graders puts them on the path to successfully complete a full CTE course sequence and gives them valuable electives early on.
One such course is our principles of hospitality class which had the opportunity to travel to the Wildfire Restaurant in Georgetown to experience fine dining and put their studies of table settings and etiquette to use.
Thorndale FFA members got up early to compete at the Waller CDE judging contest! Good luck to our Horse, Milk Quality, Poultry, and Vet Science teams today.
Thorndale FCCLA had a successful trip to Galveston last weekend at the 2025 Region IV Conference. In typical Thorndale tradition, our students did amazing! Our students went head-to-head against chapters from schools 1A - 6A. We might be a smaller school district, but we are MIGHTY! Many of those students will be headed to State in April. Here are the results:
Proficiency Events:
Serving Up Success - Level 2
3rd Place: Logan Ferguson - STATE QUALIFIER
4th Place: Wyatt Betak - STATE QUALIFIER
Serving Up Success - Level 3
4th Place: Lance Pesl - STATE QUALIFIER
Jacob Beardsley
Gunner Ferguson
Layne Harkins
STAR Events:
Chapter in Review Portfolio - Level 3
1st Place: Jayden Gonzales & Grace Vickers - STATE QUALIFIER
Food Innovations - Level 3
2nd Place: Morgan Rabel & Marisol Schaller - STATE QUALIFIER
Hospitality & Tourism - Level 2
2nd Place: Natalie Rojas & Rileigh Schaller - STATE QUALIFIER
Hospitality & Tourism - Level 3
5th Place: Hanna Delacerda - STATE QUALIFIER
Interior Design - Level 2
2nd Place: Brilee Mulligan, Lyla Patin, & Kennedy Robinson - STATE QUALIFIER
Interior Design - Level 3
1st Place: Jordyn Stutts - STATE QUALIFIER
Sustainability - Level 3
3rd Place: Kenedi Moore - STATE QUALIFIER
Teach or Train - Level 3
2nd Place: Emma Hohertz -STATE QUALIFIER
Spotlight on Projects:
People’s Choice: Community Service
Jayden Gonzales
Layne Harkins
Grace Vickers
Rhynn Bigan
Hestin Ellington
Grace Tracey
People’s Choice: Families First
Hanna Delacerda
Brooklyn Gamble
One Act Play:
Next week, the Thorndale ISD One Act Play team will compete for the district title! In preparation for the District One Act Play, the group participated in The Central Texas One Act Play Festival at Georgetown High School.
The cast performed their play, was able to watch three other amazing plays, received awards, and worked with an amazing clinician - Abbie Harriman.
Juan Acosta
Addyson Bland
Cheyanne Adams
Sawyer Horton
Layne Harkins
Boys' Basketball Updates:
What a great season for our boys’ basketball team! You always hate when it comes to an end, but these boys have a lot to be proud of. They came up 4 points short in a tough battle against Port Aransas in the Regional Semi-finals.
Also, please help me congratulate our All-District recipients:
Junior High Track:
The junior high athletes kicked off their track season last night in Rogers! Check out the official results: Track Results
Softball Updates:
After having to skip a tournament for cold weather, the girls are back at it. They are currently traveling in the Franklin tournament. Good luck, girls!
Baseball Updates:
Baseball started the season with a big win in extra innings against Rockdale.
The JV Bulldogs are competing in the Rosebud-Lott tournament. They lost their opener to Bosqueville 6-4 yesterday and will be playing two games today.
Wyatt Betak went 2-3 (1B, 2B, R).
Briggs Casner went 2-3 (2 1B, 2 RBI).
Shane Kerfoot pitched 3 innings (0 H, 0 ER, 4 K).
The varsity boys are currently at the Brazos Christian Tournament. Good luck, boys!
Girls' Regional Powerlifting Results
Jordyn Stutts is headed to STATE after a dominant performance at Regionals! She took 1st place in the 148 lbs weight class, earned Best Squat, Best Bench, and Overall Lifter on the Light Platform, and shattered Regional Records in:
Squat: 410 lbs
Bench: 275 lbs
Total: 1020 lbs
Huge congratulations to all our Lady Dogs for their incredible performances at Regionals!
Irene Flores – 3rd place, 114 lbs
Belle Roberson – 4th place, 132 lbs
Riley Shock – 4th place, 165 lbs
Alayna Ramirez – 8th place, 165 lbs
The boys' team competed and is now awaiting Regional Competitions. The following boys have qualified:
Jett Frei
Marcus Shaw
Jacob Beardsley
Luciano Legon
Nick Markle
Deven Cuba
Zach Smith
Jose Macias
We also want to give a shout-out to our Senior Powerlifters!
Congratulations to the Lady Dog golf team as they placed 2nd at the Lexington Tournament!
The boys competed this week as well and put together a great start to the season.
Spring Sports Schedules:
The busiest time of the year for our Lady Dogs and Bulldogs is here! Stay updated with all the schedules online and right here on social media.
Baseball -
Golf -
Powerlifting -
Softball -
Track -
JH Track-
Most sincerely,
Zack Kleypas
Thorndale ISD
“Keep improving, always, in all ways.”